Firefly Ignite

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Guarding your He(Art)

I’m about the last person in the world to write about this subject, but it is one that I am realising is the make or break of any artist, author, creative, and the like.

I have lived most of my life absolutely shut down to the creative inside of me. She has appeared at times, in seasons, but never have I fully given her permission to thrive. I had an epiphany a few years ago that the artist inside of me was part of the essence of who I am, and if I wanted to feel more alive, then I had better make some space for that Creative Girl within to find her voice and her footing.

Now, I shouldn’t have been surprised by this, but sometimes we can be a bit slow to our own awakenings. (Can I get a witness??!) I come from a long line of artists from both sides of my family. Stage actors, painters, make-up artists, professional ballet, mixed media art, prestigious stained glass works, voice performers, photographers, potters, and the list goes on! So, let’s just say it’s in my blood.

Fast forward a few years later from my lightbulb moment, and Creative-Me has (finally) taken on a bit more form. I am still figuring out what she fully looks like, what she is needing and where her flow is meant to be, but I’m keenly aware that I have to guard over her - which is to say, I have to guard over this creative space inside of my heart. I have to honour her by making space for her to dream and imagine and create. I have to guard over the boundaries of my time to assure her that what she has to offer is important and beautiful.

This website, this podcast, is - if I’m perfectly honest - all part of an autobiographical journey. As I seek out inspiring authors and artists, I’m giving more of a voice to my inner artist as well. I’m finding my own voice by hearing others share their stories with me.

What I’m hearing through these fascinating interviews is that most creatives are plagued by their imposters. It’s the shadow that mocks them mercilessly and jeers them at every possible opportunity. “What do you have to offer that someone else hasn’t already done? Why would anyone want to pay attention to your work? Why don’t you give up now? You call yourself an artist/author?!” And so on, and so on.

But creativity is not just for the consumer. A river must flow; a bird must fly; a flower must bloom - lest they become lesser versions of the creations they were meant to be. And so I create, we all create, because is it who we are. AND, when we do, it also brings life to those around us. An exchange of grace and beauty takes place.

I wish this were an easy transaction. I wish I didn’t have to remind myself weekly that guarding my he(Art) is necessary for me to flourish, but alas, I do.

Do you have to be intentional about guarding your he(Art)? What have you found that has helped you in your journey? I’d love to hear it!